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About Ashley Hunt

Hi! I'm Ashley

Hey y’all, I am Ashley Hunt. I have always been a very healthy, happy, active person until May 26, 2022!  That day was like any other day except on the way to dance class for my then 4 year old I got the chills, the kind of chills where the hair stands up all over your body. I just started sinking down into my driver seat chair as I was driving. We made it into the parking lot of dance where I was pretty much crippled and in the fetal position and had to call my husband Ryan for help. He and our other daughter (6 at the time) had to come rescue me at dance. I thought I was coming down with a stomach bug, but nothing ever happened (if you catch my drift). I was stuck in bed with crippling pain, blurred vision, no energy, sweats, nausea, and chills for HOURS. The weirdest part, when I woke the next morning, it was like nothing had ever happened!

Over the next week it would happen so sporadically that we finally took a visit to the Urgent Care… well they sent me home claiming it was “probably food poisoning.”  More days passed, then weeks passed, and it got progressively worse. I saw a primary care physician and decided to visit the Allergist. On June 22, 2022, I had no idea the journey I was about to embark on. I walked out of there with a SLEW of allergies and no guidance.  I was allergic to Soy, Egg, Mustard, Peanuts, Buckwheat, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Green Peas, Navy Beans, Lima Beans, Squash, Almonds, avocado, blueberries, just to name a few 😊


Is this where my journey ended, NOPE, its where it just began!

When I wasn’t getting better after cutting out ALL of this stuff, I also discovered I had 2 bacterial infections in my intestines, AND despite my ‘clean’ eating of protein and veggies, I was still getting sick and ingesting the allergens. After a few months, our 7-year-old randomly asked us, “can there be soy in eggs and meat?” We immediately said “no, how on earth would that happen”, but then……….. I went down the rabbit hole and discovered an ENTIRE world of unknown about our meats and veggies.  At that point I was at a COMPLETE loss of how I was going to survive this!!!


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