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A New Way to Drink Wine Without Headaches!

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Do you struggle with headaches, flush cheeks, or getting DRUNK after just 1 glass of wine? That was me until I found out I was allergic to Sulfites and histamines… and, basically life right now.

White Wine

I, like millions of other women and men, love wine. The issue is wine started making me feel TERRIBLE… After half a glass of any wine (Red, White, Rose, Prosecco) I’d have a horrible headache, be very tipsy, and be awake all night. I’d be hot, and my lower back (kidney area) would ache. It was miserable. Back in early 2021, I stopped drinking wine completely for a little while due to this, but then I tried again because I love wine. Fast forward to 2022 when everything started for me, my body was OUT OF CONTROL! It seemed that no matter what I did I had the most severe reaction to it.

Thanksgiving 2022, I hosted my side of the family for Thanksgiving lunch. I prepared the big turkey for the whole family and my little turkey that was safe for me to eat. I had an entire corner dedicated to my food to avoid cross contamination. Later that evening we went to Ryan’s side… there I had a glass of red wine. I love red wine in the winter, especially at the holidays. It’s just so cozy. Later that evening when we got home, and I got the girls down for bed, we sat on the couch to have another glass of red wine together. My eyes were bothering me and felt really bumpy. I asked Ryan to look at me and well. The reaction was startling “OH MY GOD BABE YOU’RE HAVING AN ALLERGIC REACTION.” The more I took make up off the more the reaction showed, think “Hitch” the movie scene! Images below.

Through all the months I had been dealing with these new allergies, they had never presented like this. The only reactions were internal GI issues. The following weekend, December 2, we hosted our Annual Angel Tree party, where I enjoyed a couple glasses of wine over the course of several hours. I was NOT well by the end of the night! I told Ryan the next day that I am allergic to Wine… he laughed at me and chalked it up to over consuming and not eating enough. But something inside of me kept poking saying,” no it HAS to be something else”. So, I stopped drinking all together. I didn’t consume any alcohol for the remainder Dec, Jan until Mid Feb (2.5 full months) when we traveled to Colorado for my birthday. The entire week we were there I had 2 or 3 beers total. I was too scared to have a reaction, get sick, and ruin anyone’s time. Fast forward to August 2023. I FINALLY found out that I was in fact, allergic to RED WINE as well as Sulfites/Histamine that are in all wines!!! As bad as that sucked to hear, I almost felt happy because I was validated in how I had been feeling and understanding why I was reacting to wine. At that point, Ryan started doing research because he KNEW I couldn’t be the only person who suffered from this and that’s when he discovered the PureWine Wine Wands Purifier. We purchased these on September 5 and received our first box on September 7. On September 8, I grabbed a bottle of Pinot Grigio and brought it home. I followed the directions on the box of the PureWine Wine Wands Purifier and placed the wand in my wine and stirred it for 3 full mins. I was so nervous and scared to take the first sip but I did…. Oooooooh it tasted so good. I made it through half my glass and had ZERO headache, zero flushing and I wasn’t tipsy… so I kept on going. I finished my glass and felt like a TOTALLY NORMAL PERSON!! Ahhhhhh. It was AMAZING!! I discovered a new way to drink wine without headaches! I can't express enough how much peace of mind this gave me because it was always such a joke that “Ashley is a lush”, “she can only handle a glass of wine”, “she’s a cheap date” etc.

What this little spoon does is filter out ALL the sulfites and histamines that cause many of us issues whether you have an allergy to wine and sulfites or not. It is a game changer, and I am SO excited that I will now be able to enjoy a glass of wine out with Ryan and friends on girl’s night. There are other products you can use for the same outcome, such as drops you drop into your wine, The Original Drop It Wine Drops, it has egg protein, so I am unable to use those due to an allergy to egg. There’s the Ullo Wine Purifier, that you place on the top of your glass and pour from a bottle. It filters the Sulfites/Histamines as it is being poured.

Wine night.  Allergy to wine and sulfites

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