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Updated: Oct 26, 2023

By July 2023, I was at a breaking point, which I had mentioned in a previous blog post.

acupuncture. soy free. allergies

I don’t usually publicly talk about how I am feeling personally unless I’m mad at something haha. I’m not really a deep thinker or really ever let anyone in on what’s going on in my head, but I was at the point where if someone even blinked in my direction or expressed any interest in conversation I began talking. Mostly, to my team of Jujitsu mamas. Each time I would start talking, and pouring out how I was feeling more and more of them, had something to share too.

Opening up to some of these gals, two of them mentioned acupuncture to me during different conversations. They both gave me the same location here in Greenville, SC. After hearing about how it helped each of them through different struggles they had, I figured I’d give the place a call. She explained how it all worked, and I was in the office within the next week. It is recommended to do 12 sessions to get the full benefit of the treatment, so I committed. I told myself I was doing this for the whole 12 sessions (I was doubtful, but I was hopeful because I would have seriously done ANYTHING at that point to feel better). She explained to me that my body never had a chance to return to its normal resting self since those infections. For months, it was one thing after another and with being on 6 straight months of steroids it jacked me ALL up.

Ya’ll, after the first session, I slept through the night for the first time in close to a year, 10 pm-6 am. I remember the first night I did. I woke up, and hesitantly I picked up my phone, thinking it would be midnight (which is what happened on a regular basis, because after that first look at midnight, I would wake hourly. It was awful). But when I woke up and saw it was 6 a.m., I thought I was just overly tired that night. But then it happened again, and again and again. The entire week, I slept all night long. WOW!

The week 2 session was followed by 3 days of random crying haha. Like that deep, gut crying…. Over NOTHING. When I asked, the acupuncturist said it was normal, and everything I googled said it was normal and it was a good sign that the body was reacting great to the treatment. It was the body beginning to unwind, releasing pent-up feelings.

Week 3 was followed by noticeable, positive changes in my GI track.

And the rest is history. I will definitely continue with acupuncture on a maintenance basis because if nothing else, it has helped with that newfound anxiety, sleep, and mood! All of which, definitely plays a role in cortisol levels, which can get my body and just about everyone's body feeling all kinds of weird too! WOW!!!

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