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My Garden

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

New Garden

Well before all of this nightmare started, I began my garden. It was a tiny little garden but it was super special. May 2018 was our first spring in our house, so I asked for a little garden for Mother's Day and every year since it has gotten progressively larger. My favorite things to plant are cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, & herbs. This year I am trying my hand at Kale, Romain lettuce and carrots. This year's garden has struggled a bit due to the abundance of rodents we have acquired in the yard due to an unkempt open space behind our house now. They ate every single bit of my broccoli and cauliflower (TWICE).

I have become more determined this year to grow a successful garden because I have to eat 100% organic produce. I am allergic to RoundUp so any chemicals that are sprayed on

Growing Garden. Beautiful

produce will cause me a reaction! A lot of fruits and vegetables are sprayed with products to make them shiny and a lot of times there is soy in that spray which makes the fruit and vegetable basically poison to me. So, I have become even more into growing my garden and have gotten to know a lot of the local farmers here at our farmers' market. It has been so neat hearing the stories of a lot of those farmers and how and why they got started. I cannot wait to share some of those stories with ya'll in here. Stay tuned for those farmer spotlights.

In an attempt to get some of these veggies going I purchased one of these little

Planters on wheels. Vegetables

Stackable Planters to keep up on the porch until I got around to fixing up one of the garden beds. Once I noticed the Kale and Cauliflower started growing nice and strong, I finally got to updating one of our garden beds. It was time to set this bad boy up like Fort Knox. I laid the black weed tarp down, added ¼ inch chicken wire to top of it, a layer of pebbles and then topped with soil! It was time to transplant my cauliflower and kale, yaya.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I also grabbed one of these Portable Mini Cloche Greenhouses from Amazon to keep the critters above ground out!

Mini Greenhouse for garden

The Kale and Cauliflower are thriving and protected from those pesky pests.

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