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Tea Talk

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

tea talk

Tea... weird topic, right? What does Tea have to do with allergies!? Well, I am glad you asked!

In the beginning of this insanely wild and scary journey no matter what I did I kept getting sick. Even drinking a simple cup of my regular cup of Black Tea in the mornings would make me ill. I mentioned it to Ryan that I think I am allergic to my tea and of course, he brushed it off because who is allergic to tea right!?

I dug into the brand I was using at the time and discovered that there was in fact soy in the tea bags I was using. WHAT?! Who knew. I had to stop drinking my beloved cozy tea every morning… caffeine free mama over here. YIKES!!

One day, I popped into one of my favorite little coffee shops here town with my girls to get them their yummy little treats. When the barista asked if I wanted anything, I sadly said no thank you. She asked me why so sad, and I told her about all of these new allergies. She mentioned that they had soy free tea. AHHH!! What a blessing…she did me one better and told me the brand they use so I could order to my house. Now I can keep it on stock at home!! Rishi Tea & Botanicals, is on auto order monthly straight to my door. They are USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Kosher, Direct Trade!!! I still frequent my favorite little coffee shop too 😉 And if you're local to the area give them a shout, Scandi Tiny Coffee .

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