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White Wine Cake - Egg and Soy Free

AKA the "Nanny Stole It Cake"
White wine cake - egg and soy free

I have been making this white wine cake for around 15 years!! My Nanny Armstrong brought it to a family gathering and I fell in love with it. Every time I made it and took it to a gathering it was raved about, it is DEFINITELY a crowd-pleaser!

When Ryan and I married, I started bringing this cake to his family's Thanksgiving gatherings. The first year I brought it everyone loved it, it was asked over and over to be brought. However, I noticed each time I would bring it, it would never make it to the dessert table, which meant it never ended up on anyone's plates. I went a long time without saying anything because I thought my food wasn't being welcomed by his Nanny D. WELL, come to find out, his Nanny Dickert, would take my cake, when nobody was looking and put it back in her bedroom so nobody would eat it. She wanted it ALL to herself HAHA!! So we nicknamed the cake, the "Nanny stole it cake" :) Now when I make it, I have to cut it in half and give her her very own half and the other half for everyone to enjoy!

I did alter this recipe just a bit when I became allergic to everything. It used to be a bunt cake recipe but with the ingredient replacement, it became too soft to successfully dump out.

Ingredients for Cake

1 Box Yellow Cake Mix - Annies Brand

1 Regular-size instant Vanilla Pudding - I have no reactions to that brand

3/4 cup water

1/4 cup canola oil

1 cup applesauce (in place of 4 eggs)

1/4 cup brown sugar

2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup chopped Pecans

Ingredients for White Wine Glaze

1 stick butter

1 cup white sugar

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup wine


  1. Preheat oven 325 degrees F

  2. Mix all ingredients together

  3. Grease pan * see note at bottom before next step

  4. Put 1/2 cup of chopped pecans at the bottom of the pan

  5. Pour cake mixture over top of the pecans in the pan

  6. Bake cake 1 hours at 325 degrees F

  7. About 10 minutes before the cake is done make the glaze

  8. Add all glaze ingredients EXCEPT the wine to the pan

  9. Bring to boil glaze ingredients for 2-3 minutes

  10. Remove from heat and add 1/4 cup of white wine

  11. When you take the cake from the oven put half of the glaze over it immediately and let it rest for 10 minutes

  12. Turn the Cake out of pan and pour the remaining glaze over the top

  13. Enjoy the Egg free and soy free White Wine Cakethe cake


If you plan to use a bunt pan and bump out, place pecans at the bottom of pan before pouring the batter in.

If you plan to use a sheet pan like I do now, pour batter into a greased pan and place pecans on top. I lightly push pecans into the batter.

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